Monitoring Contract Compliance in the Middle East
Golder Associates had a contract with the government of a middle eastern country to monitor the performance of solid waste management handling by contracted service providers. The total value of the contracts is several billion dollars. Golder was awarded the contract compliance responsibility based on extensive experience with supporting waste service providers in the United States.
This application was created for the middle eastern office of Golder Associates. The heart of the application is a module to record field inspector reports and track them to resolution.
Field Inspector Incident Report with before and after photos

Monitor Control System (MCS) as Currently Implemented
MCS Functions:
- Contract management:
- Manage multiple organizations and multiple contracts.
- Compliance issue tracking to resolution.
- Online library of contract requirements.
- Integrated document management.
- Asset management.
- Location management through a Geographic Information System (GIS) interface which presents data overlaid on maps or aerial photography.
- Waste flow management.
- Robust and flexible role based security.
MCS Features:
- MCS is built on over ten years of experience with application development for major players in the Solid Waste field.
- MCS has a Web interface.
- MCS is currently used by field inspectors equipped with mobile devices.
- MCS is built with the latest Microsoft technology.
MCS Value:
- MCS provides the security of a proven application backed by an experienced team.
- MCS is available anywhere and anytime through a Web interface.
- MCS is built on a solid foundation of role based security to protect your data.
- MCS is enterprise ready. MCS is able to track large amounts of data, and provide real-time analysis.
- MCS integrated document management means that contract documents are attached to contracts, personnel documents are attached to personnel records, maintenance documents are attached to vehicle records, etc., making documents immediately available without searching a separate document store.
This is a screen shot of the Login page showing a Google map with an overlay. In this case, the overlay shows the outlines of
Service Area 1, which are called "Lots". The smaller divisions are called Sectors
Within the application other maps are used to find latitude and longitude on forms where site information is entered or edited.
Maps with overlays are also used for some reports.
This diagram displays the overall workflow for field inspectors entering a report while in the field. This was a preliminary
version used to create the first prototype.
This is a screen shot of a reduced image of the MCS database schema diagram in Visio. Colors of tables indicate functional
modules and lines are colored to indicate the joined table which has the primary key.
Information on this page is used with the permission of Golder Associates which holds the rights to the MCS application.